
Bone Health Update 2024

Posted by DSDC on Aug 12th 2024

About 35 years ago I gave a talk to an elderly group of women about bone health. I discussed diet, calcium, exercise, drug therapies available at the time etc. The question that popped up was, what … read more

Gluten Sensitivity or Fructan Intolerance

Posted by DSDC on Jul 10th 2024

I have written a lot about gluten as this is one of my many personal health issues. The better I understand it, the better I can manage it. On the website, you can type blog gluten i … read more

Gluten Free Diet (No Celiac Diagnosis)

Posted by DSDC on Jul 2nd 2024

As you research a gluten-free diet (GFD), you will no doubt run across opinions from celiac "experts" that will emphatically state that you shouldn't start your GFD until you have a confirmed celia … read more

Gluten Sensitivity Quick Facts

Posted by DSDC on Jul 2nd 2024

Gluten Sensitivity is the broad category and includes both celiac and non-celiac forms. Celiac Disease (CD) is therefore a small subset of Gluten Sensitivity (GS). Gluten Sensitivity refers to all … read more

Basic Anti-Aging Tips

Posted by DSDC on Jun 26th 2024

Like I always say, we all get two less than desirable options, get old or die young. I am working on a device to put your consciousness into a young body but so far it isn’t working that great so we … read more

Low Histamine Diet for Indigestion

Posted by DSDC on Jun 26th 2024

Histamine is created by our own cells but we can also get some from foods. Our bodies break down histamine with an enzyme called DAO (diamine oxidase). How much DAO you have available to manage his … read more