Imagine a World

Imagine a world where you don't need keys for your car or house, you don't have to password protect your bank account, you don't need anti-virus or anti-spy software, you don't need insurance adjusters, bank examiners or an EPA or FDA.

In this world everyone is honest with no desire to make a personal gain at the expense of anyone else and the vitamin label you read tells you exactly what's in the bottle, no more, no less.

Reality Is A Bit Different

In the real world we live in, we have to have safeguards at every level because, let's face it, people cheat. In some industries, the third party agencies watch over your interests to some level and in others you are on your own.

Good Example of Lying

For example, some biologists wanted to check some mainstream fish markets in Florida to see what kind of fish were actually being sold. They found that what was being sold as Atlantic Snapper was really only about 25% snapper of any variety. About half the fish sold as Snapper were not even found in American waters.

Look For the Quality Brands

In the world of vitamins, no third party is watching out for you. There is virtually no way for you to know for sure if the ingredients listed are really in that bottle and worst of all, you have no way of knowing if the ingredients include things you don't want such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium or even uranium.

Your only defense is to buy from the most reputable brands you can find. Most of the time these will not be the cheapest brands with the word ""cost"" in their name.

We Use a Lot of NeuroScience

NeuroScience has learned that they have to assay every single batch of herbs from even previously reputable sources. They will sometimes have to go through several batches to find one good one. They might find that either the active ingredients are too sparse or that it contains too much of some type of contaminant. You might have complained that NeuroScience products are too expensive, but you now understand why. It would be easier to let of few of these marginal batches slide because they know you can't tell by looking at the label. Believe me when I say that the majority of companies will not use the same diligence as NeuroScience and that is one good reason, we carry their entire line.

Fish Oil Comes in Different Grades

Another example is fish oil. The more reputable companies such as NeuroBiologix, NuMedica and Karuna pay more for their fish oil and sell the lower quality rejected batches to brokers who pass it on to the companies like I mentioned before with "cost" in their name.

At OVitaminPro we can sell you any brand of supplement but will only offer the ones that we trust and that we take ourselves. We are doing our best to look out for you and your health. We will continue to earn your trust in providing the finest products available today.

NeuroBiologix, BetterGenix & NuMedica, links below!

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