Healthier Stomach: Ulcers (video)
Ulcers are incredibly serious and pose risks to health that are very real. Ulcers can arise for a variety of reasons, but two main risks we discuss in this video: excessive alcohol use and H. Pylori infection.
Excessive alcohol use can cause ulcers, as well as many other health issues. If you suffer from ulcers associated with heavy alcohol consumption, please seek the assistance of an alcohol assistance program to avoid further damage to your body, as well as your loved ones. Research also shows that H. Pylori bacteria can be a contributing factor to ulcers and this bacteria in particular is very dangerous because it can be transmitted very easily from person to person and even pet to person.
You can treat it through antibiotics, but everyone in your household will also need to be treated. Another way to deal with H. Pylori is to take a heavy dosage of probiotics to balance out the bacteria, letting good bacteria fight the bad without risking damage to your current digestive balance through use of antibiotics. MicroBiome Labs has a supplement called Pylo Guard that is designed to help your body deal with H. Pylori infection (see below).
In addition to Pylo Guard, there are several other supplements we recommend for aiding in a healthier digestive environment and treating ulcers. These supplements include:
- NuMedica: TheraPRP
- BetterGenix: FloraGenix
- Pure Encapsulatons DGL Plus