GABA Management (Video)

GABA Basics

Understanding some basics about GABA will help you choose foods and supplements that will help optimize this essential neurotransmitter so you can have better energy during the day and sleep better at night. You remember that neurons talk to each other through chemical note-passing called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory. Most are excitatory and stimulate activity in the target neuron. A few are inhibitory decreasing activity in the target neurons.

GABA is the principle inhibitory neuron in mammals.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks Can Be from GABA Problems

Many neurotransmitters are amino acid based and so is GABA. Because GABA is the principle inhibitory neurotransmitter, the brain relies on it to modulate many pathways. Lack of GABA or inefficient GABA management can lead to some pathways running somewhat out of control leading to symptoms such as anxiety or panic attacks or a racing brain when you are trying to sleep.

One interesting side note is that GABA is instrumental in the growth and development of the embryonic brain.

Why GABA To Low?

Why might a person have GABA issues? Inflammation of the brain can lead to a decrease in GABA production or poorer GABA management. We recommend taking the usual steps to help prevent brain inflammation. Everybody needs omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D unless proven otherwise. According to many researchers EVERYONE with any kind of brain problem should be evaluated for gluten sensitivity. I concur. Gluten can alter brain blood flow, alter some enzyme function among other things. The brain can heal on a gluten-free diet.

Supplements Can Help

Supplement companies have done their homework on GABA. We used to recommend a product call phenibut but this formula has found itself in limbo because of misguided actions by the FDA. We can now recommend products like Priority One 5-Hydroxy GABA.

Research has shown that taurine can help normalize GABA function. Besides being an inhibitory amino acid in its own right, it also acts as a GABA activity enhancer, aids in GABA synthesis, prevents GABA breakdown and blocks GABA reuptake You can try Premier Research Premier Taurine Blend.

Don't Forget Serotonin Support

One more side note: many people who have problems with maintaining healthy levels of serotonin. Often you will want to take some NeuroScience Serene or Travacor to get the most benefit, links below! 

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