Candida: Know the Basics
- Headaches and migraines
- Irritability and confusion
- Chronic fatigue
- Skin rashes
- Recurring vaginal yeast infections
- Digestive problems
- Constipation, diarrhea or bloating
- Food allergies
An overgrowth of an intestinal organism called Candida albicans that can be attributed to an unhealthy diet that is high in sugar, prolonged stress or overuse of antibiotics. The most natural and long-term solution for Candida overgrowth is by utilizing vitamins and supplements that improve your health and help address the root cause of the Candida infection. Vitamin supplements can help strengthen your immune system and make it better suited for fighting against infection and disease. Vitamins C and E are both suggested to help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation, and B complex vitamins are also thought to support healthy digestion and skin renewal, which can improve Candida symptoms. Probiotics are also a must for supporting a healthy balance of bacteria in the body, so we definitely recommend supplementing with Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotics. A dose of essential fatty acids can also help those who suffer from yeast infections. These fatty acids aid in reducing inflammation and promote heart health. You can boost your intake of essential fatty acids by consuming more fish, walnuts, ground flax seeds and canola oil, while also reducing your intake of saturated fats found in red meat, whole milk and butter. If you do suffer from Candida overgrowth, it is important to speak with a trusted healthcare professional before starting any form of treatment.
Theramedix: Candida Plus
Arthur Andrew: Medical Syntol AMD
Vitanica: Yeast Arrest
Klaire Labs: Candida Complex