Breast Cancer Prevention

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For women, every month is breast cancer awareness month! It is our awareness that could possibly save our lives. It is much easier to work on the prevention of breast cancer than to find a cure, not that we should stop research for a cure, but it is not something we can personally do much about to make a difference.

Breast cancer like many diseases, comes into play when the body's immune system becomes compromised. If you can eliminate what the body does not want and give the body what it wants, health can be achieved.

What Are Basic Steps to Prevention

So, what is it that the body does not need or want? Toxins! Toxins are things like heavy metals, such as mercury, iron and the like. Toxins are also things like food additives, preservatives, food colorings, nitrites, and GMO foods. Watching you diet by eating healthy fresh organic foods and minimally processed foods can help you avoid some of these toxic materials. You can also increase your glutathione intake which will help eliminate some of the heavy metals that may be lurking undetected in your body. Glutathione is the master antioxidant that directly relates to our longevity. Also, eating foods that are high in antioxidants can help speed the process of elimination. Since glutathione is a combination of amino acids it is often important to supplement with a precursor like n-acetylcysteine. BetterGenix NAC 500mg, link below!

ORAC Values

To increase your antioxidants, look for foods with a high ORAC rating. ORAC is the acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells us the value of certain foods and or supplements to guide us in maintaining sufficient levels so that we may utilize the benefits of antioxidants. ORAC is expressed as units, the higher the number the greater the antioxidant power. We should eat at least five serving of high ORAC foods such as maqui berry, turmeric, acai berry and dark chocolate. If you are not getting enough ORAC foods, you can supplement for that. Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood Berry Powder, link below!

Vitamin D3 Will Help

There have also been several studies on low vitamin D3 levels and breast cancer. This is a pretty easy one to remedy. Since most of us cannot spend a half hour naked in the sun on a daily basis it is necessary to supplement with a vitamin D3 supplement. Most regular doctors will tell you that you only need 400 IUs a day and that more than that is toxic. Don't believe them! That amount of vitamin D3 is enough to keep from getting rickets but not enough for prevention. Most everyone does well with 5,000 IUs a day. I look at a lot of lab tests and the clients that I have on 5,000's a day tend to maintain a healthy level in their blood. DaVinci Laboratories Vitamin D3 5000 IU, link below!

Basic Exercise Helps

Exercise is another important key to prevention. Exercise is good for calming the mind and keeping a healthy body weight. Studies have shown that women with higher BMI increase their risk of breast cancer. You don't need to go to the gym or run every day to keep healthy. Walking has the same benefit of other more strenuous exercise, and it is something most of us can do. Just 30 minutes a day can make a big shift in your health.


Lastly and just as important is a positive mental attitude. Surround yourself with positive book, music and people. Too often we spend our days complaining about what is wrong in our life instead of what is right. The old adage, count your blessings, is something we should all do. If you are like me, this doesn't come naturally but working at this is worth the effort.

I love this quote by Melodie Beattie:

""Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.""

Did All This and Still Have a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

We also know that we can do everything right and still be diagnosed with breast cancer. This is where the positive mind set can make a difference in whatever the outcome is. Use this month to become more aware, remember those you have lost to breast cancer or those who have struggled with this horrible disease. And open up and share here, it may help others.

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