Blood Test List
We like to see a fairly complete blood test so we can better understand which system or systems might be stressed. This link should take you to a blood test list you can take to your doctor. Most doctors tend to run only spot checks these days because insurance companies usually won't pay without a diagnosis. So they won't run a CBC unless you have a chronic infection or signs of anemia for example. They tend not to run a decent thyroid unless those symptoms are obvious.
Note: Healthy or Ideal Range values may vary with individual labs and even part of country. Healthy Ranges are different than the pathology ranges given by the lab with the lab test results. Many doctors consider these lab tests a basic survey test to help determine which systems are healthy and which ones are showing signs of stress. *TPO and Thyroglobulin Antibodies are run to help rule out autoimmune thyroid disorders. Once they show positive they do not need to be run again. A negative test does not rule out autoimmune thyroid problems as these values can fluctuate considerably. **Homocysteine recommended ranges vary with age and sex.