Two Types of Alzheimer's

Posted by DSDC on Jun 25th 2024

Dementia is in the news a lot these days (election year 2024). It might be useful to do a quick review.

Problem I Needed to Solve

I became interested in this topic because I have a family history of age-related brain problems and could feel my brain starting to shut down when I was in my early 50’s (20+ years ago). I knew the clock was ticking and I had better figure this out fairly soon.

10 Types of Dementia

Dementia comes in many flavors. It isn't just one thing.10 major types of dementia are recognized by most healthcare professionals. I will include a link at the bottom of the page of an article that I found particularly useful.

Mostly I want to point out a couple of things that I find obvious that I don’t see in articles or comments about dementia.

Two Types of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia but it is important to know which kind you are dealing with. If it isn’t that noticeable until the late 60s or early 70s, it is most probably due to lifestyle, that is, something your body doesn’t want but is getting anyway (gluten, for example) or is lacking something it wants (B12 for example). One notable researcher (Dale Bredesen) has identified about 35 lifestyle factors that could be affecting your ability to maintain brain health. If you get to those factors early enough, it can be reversible. You can get great information about working with lifestyle-related Alzheimer's from this link. Bredesen Protocol.

As a side note: we prefer hydroxy B12 instead of methyl B12 (which is much more common). NuMedical Liposomal Hydroxy B12 Liquid or Perque Activated B12 Guard Lozenges.

Lifestyle Related Alzheimer's

The later onset Alzheimer's makes up about 95% of cases. I don’t mean to say that genetic factors don’t play a part in this type. It is just that changes in lifestyle can reverse many of those cases if you know what you are doing and start early enough. In one sense, we can label the Lifestyle Related version a condition instead of a disease.

Genetic Disease Version

The other type makes up about 5% of cases and is truly a disease. These symptoms come on a decade or two earlier than those in the first group. The progression of the disease is more rapid as well. It appears that this is a genetic disorder without good treatment options at the present.

These symptoms are apparent much earlier in life like mid-50s or a decade or two before the onset of lifestyle-related Alzheimer’s.

Frontotemporal Demenatia Overview

Another common type I want to mention is frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This type can begin early (mid 40s). Notable signs are things like diminishing inhibitions and compulsive behavior. People tend to have problems with speech including forgetting the meaning of common words. You might get instances of speech patterns that some refer to as “word salad”. Also watch for lack of empathy, forward leaning posture and other signs too.

Most people don’t start thinking of dementia until memory problems arise. A few other signs might have you on the lookout in your loved ones and you might be able to diagnose yourself in early stages. I say might because self-diagnosis is not too common in dementia cases.

Watch for:

Subtle personality changes-a warm, friendly person gets grouchy more easily or maybe more combative. A gruff, combative person becomes more gregarious.

Problems with executive function-trouble carrying out routine tasks that they used to be proficient at. Maybe they make plans but don’t follow through.

Vision problems-trouble driving or problems judging distances with more frequent trips and falls.

Language issues-person not aware that they are constantly searching for the next word in the sentence.

Social withdrawal-a person uses more energy to tackle daily tasks so has less energy for social situations.

No specific treatment exists for FTD. Some medications, like anti-psychotics, can be helpful in some cases.

Helpful To Know Which Dementia You Are Dealing With

It is helpful to know which type of dementia you are dealing with to see what steps might be taken. With a proper diagnosis, you will have different expectations for your loved one. You will have a better understanding that this behavior is not really under their control anymore and it might make it easier for you to handle the transition.

Cyrex Alzheimer's Test

Cyrex Labs has been working on a way to detect some of the issues with brain health and now has an Alzheimer's Link test. You can watch the intro video here.

To summarize, in early stages, there might be something you can do to slow the decline or maybe put it on hold for many, many years. At least you have a better chance of understanding what is happening even if this dementia is not treatable.

Personal Summary

At the time of this writing, I am happy to report that I have kept my brain working at a decent level. I found that a gluten-free diet is essential for my brain health. I do get some gut problems from gluten but the worst situation is brain fog that can last for months from a single contamination event. So I stay strictly gluten-free and take a couple of handfuls of supplements each day and so far, so good.

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BetterGenix NAC

Percepta by Cognitive Clarity

Karuna Zinc Picolinate Plus

It is wise to check with a health care provider familiar with these problems. These symptoms can also result from certain medications or even combinations of medications.

2023 (updated 2024)