Dr's Advantage
In 2004 Holistic Pharmacist Michael Lenzner formed Dr.'s Advantage to fill a void in the health care industry. This void was a need for unique liquid formulas that address real medical conditions. Liquid supplements have several advantages over supplements in other forms. These advantages include: they are easier to swallow, are in a readily absorbable form, and are readily used by the body. These are very important advantages to everyone but the become critical for young children, for the elderly, and for those with a compromised digestive system. At OVitaminPro we are proud to offer nearly 30 Dr.'s Advantage liquid formulations that are all manufactured in a state of the art GMP compliant facility. If you have concerns about swallowing pills or with your ability to digest and absorb the nutrients in your supplements, then these unique liquid formulations might be the answer to meeting your nutritional needs. All Dr.'s Advantage products are available from OVitaminPro.com. Call one of our friendly staff at 1-877-465-0844